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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Conditions of the Brazoria County jails in Texas

Upon recent arrest after being charged w/assault when I was beat up  by my daughter while I was DRIVING!!! Yes,that is correct..you heard right I was driving,when my daughter had another one of her infamous "freak-outs"where she was shoving kicking,punching,screaming in my ear,and stomping on the dashboard until there were large  cracks in it(plus adding more cracks to the windsheild!)Only reason i could not pull over to the side was because this town has no shoulders...you would basically end up in a ditch! Then...after awhile of her not stoppin',I called the cops thinking she would stop! While I was on the phone,she contiues hitting and punching me while yelling for me to stop hitting HER! It was all I could do to push her away w/my arm while trying to drive,swirving to miss cars I nearly hit,and "Oh,i see it in my head all over again!" I called mainly cause i thought it would make her stop,but it did not..

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